10 Ways To Know If A Person Truly Loves You

Ways To Know If A Person Truly Loves You 

Few signs which you should look for to know if a person truly loves you or not are given in this article read carefully.

1.) Know if He Really Misses you 

 If you want to know if a person truly loves you watch out how much he or she misses you when you are not around. If you are not around and that person really misses you a lot it means your presence matters a lot for them.

  • When you are gone for long he or she might try to reach to you. It is common in love to yearn for the presence of their partner, as they feel incomplete without them. 
  • Even in free time, they will think about you. Sometimes someone can even show off by saying a lot “I miss you” . 
  • But when a person will truly miss you, you will able to see the happiness on their face after seeing you.

7 Questions Smart Men Don't Ask Their Wives

Ever find yourself in the middle of an argument with your partner, wondering how the hell you got from a casual discussion about your weekend plans to a heated debate about your commitment to her family?
It could be your questions. How you phrase them can set off a fight, says psychotherapist and relationship expert Nicole McCance.
After all, only one word stands between “What are you wearing tonight?” and “Are you wearing that tonight?”
Here are seven questions that could get you in trouble—and how to rework them to avoid any carnage.


It’s only slightly better than asking, “Have you gained weight?” Even if you mean it as an innocent inquiry—maybe the two of you are in the middle of a fitness plan, and you’re checking in on her progress—the question almost always comes off as an insult.  It can seem like you’re worried that she’s getting fat, says Rachel DeAlto, author of Flirt Fearlessly. 
1.Rephase it: If you’re simply curious about her exercise habits, try this: “I’m going to head to the gym, want to join me?”
“Rather than making an implicit criticism as to her fitness or weight, this expresses a desire to spend more time together,” says Stephen C. Phillips, Psy.D., a psychologist in Beverly Hills. Not only will it score you good-guy points, but it’s a lot more likely to get her moving.
Need a great fitness plan for the both of you? 


Before she even says the number, she feels like she’s being judged. “Women don’t want to have their decisions questioned any more than men do, particularly when the question implies irresponsibility,” Phillips says.
Rephrase it: Try prefacing it with, “It doesn’t really matter, but . . . ” Or, if you’re concerned that her purchases’ price tags are frequently excessive, tell her you’d like to start a method of accounting for expenditures, Phillips recommends. It could be a joint account that you both contribute a certain amount of money to a month, or a budget you each follow.


No matter how much you dread double dates with the in-laws, keep your lips zipped. “She will assume that you hate her parents, and immediately feel the stress of being in the middle,” says DeAlto.
Rephrase it: If you really want to skip a dinner with the Mr. and Mrs., DeAlto suggests trying something like this: “I’m swamped at work, so I don’t think I can make it to your parents’ place. But send them my love—they’re awesome.” Just don’t expect the line to get you out of every visit.


“Being asked to have sex is the least sexy thing that could ever happen to a woman,” DeAlto says. There’s no passion behind the question, and it sounds like you just want to get off, rather than connect with her.
Rephrase it: “Touch. Kiss. Don’t ask,” DeAlto says. “She’ll let you know if she’s interested.” And if you approach it that way, she’s much more likely to be.


You might as well ask her, “Why are you being a bitch?” The rude remark also makes it seem like you’re ignoring the legitimacy of her feelings. “Women are sensitive to men’s tendency to attribute any anger or emotional distress to a biochemical process, and therefore not a result of the man’s behavior,” Phillips says.
Rephrase it: Whether you want to know if she’s in a funk, or if sex is off the table, simply find out by asking, “How are you feeling?” It shows that you care about her, but still gives her an opportunity to let you know if it’s that time of the month, says Phillips


You already know the answer: “Nothing.” Followed by an eye roll. Why? The question can seem accusatory instead of concerned, especially if she’s already miffed over something, Phillips says.
Rephrase it: “I can tell that you’re upset about something. I’d love to talk about it when you feel like discussing it.” Women want you to want to listen to them. Making the invitation will go far, says Phillips.


That’s a surefire way to make her feel bad about herself. “Many women are sensitive to implicit criticism of their appearance,” which they may already have doubts and insecurities about, Phillips says.
Rephrase it: “You look beautiful, but I was really looking forward to seeing you in . . .” When you say it, touch or hug her, McCance suggests. It will help her feel even more desirable to you, so that she doesn’t interpret a suggested change of clothes as an insult.

The 5 Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat

1. Skip Cardio for Strength Training
“Fat mass can be shrunk by cardio and dieting. However, cardio can burn away both muscle and fat leaving you skinny but soft,” celebrity trainer Nick Hounslow, personality on E!’s upcoming reality fitness show, Hollywood Cycle. That’s why, when researchers with theHarvard School of Public Health followed 10,500 healthy men over 12 years, the guys who spent 20 minutes a day weight training had a smaller increase in abdominal fat compared to men who completed aerobic exercise for the same amount of time.
2. Complete Compound Moves
Since spot-reduction is a myth, you’ve got to work your whole body to burn fat. While any strength training workout will help you do that (and while burning fat, not muscle), compound moves like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses require moving multiple joints and muscle groups, burning more fat and building more calorie-torching muscle. Think about it: Rep per rep, rows work more muscle than curls do. “The more muscle you build through proper exercise programming, the more fully-firing your body’s engine becomes, and less effective fat is at staying stuck to your stomach,” Piegza says.
3. Eat More Protein
Eating whole, healthy sources of protein is vital to building muscle and burning more fat, says Sean W. Meadows R.D., a nutrition and wellness coach with The N.E.W. Program, a weight-loss center in Newport Beach. While a pound of fat burns two calories per day, a pound of fat burns six—and takes up a whole lot less room on your frame. And in one 2014 Pennington Biomedical Research Center study, when people ate 40 percent more calories than they needed for eight weeks, the people on high-protein diets stored 25 percent of those extra calories as muscle. Those who ate low-protein diets stored 95 percent of them as fat. That’s not to say you should up your caloric intake (we’ll get to that next), but you should up your protein intake.
4. Cut Some Calories
Fat loss, whether it’s centered on your stomach or in your chins, requires achieving a calorie deficit—burning more calories than you’re taking in. Exercise can certainly help you achieve that, but a healthy diet is probably going to make the biggest dent in your caloric balance, Meadows says. After all, it might take you an hour to burn 400 calories in the gym, but so can swapping out a greasy burger with a baked chicken sandwich.
5. Chill Out
“While diet and exercise will get you damn close to your physique goals, living a healthier lifestyle is what may finally get you the body you want. Lifestyle factors, such as stress, sleep, and relaxation are so important because they affect your hormonal system, which controls nearly every process in your body,” Meadows says. For instance, too-high levels of the stress hormone cortisol, in response to work demands, a lack of sleep, or zero “me” time, can lead to storage of fat around the mid section. Your move: Learn to more effectively manage what stress you do have, and be willing to cut things out of your life that are constant unne.cessary stressors

6 Silent Signs of Acid Reflux You Might Be Ignoring


Acid reflux can masquerade as everything from a cold to poor dental hygiene. If you notice any of the following GERD signs, especially if you get typical heartburn symptoms, talk to your doctor.
A sore throat that doesn't go away and isn't accompanied by typical cold symptoms (like a runny nose) may be caused by acid reflux. 'Your throat feels sore because a little bit of acid is coming up from the esophagus and irritating the throat,' says Gina Sam, MD, MPH, director of the Mount Sinai Gastrointestinal Motility Center in New York City. Unexplained hoarseness may be caused by stomach acid moving up to your larynx, or voice box, and tends to be more noticeable in the mornings when it had all night to travel while you were lying down. These tips may help silent acid reflux too.


'Wheezing or a cough that mimics asthma or bronchitis can be caused by acid reflux moving from the stomach to the lungs,' says Evan Dellon, MD, MPH, from the Center for Esophageal Diseases and Swallowing at the UNC School of Medicine in North Carolina. On the other hand, wheezers and coughers can sometimes make themselves more prone to reflux, says Dr. Dellon, because the actions put pressure on the belly and push stomach acid upward.

8 Scientifically Proven Facts That Causes Breaking Up

Ever had a friend tell you that you have to "just get over it" after a tough breakup? Yeah, that would be completely untrue. “There might be a tendency in the public to overestimate the ease at which we should move on from failed relationships,” says Brian Boutwell, Ph.D., the coauthor of a recent study about breakups and an associate professor of criminology and criminal justice and associate professor of epidemiology at Saint Louis University.
“Some people will be quite good at [splitting], and others will not. As a result, understanding that some people will simply have a naturally harder time getting over a breakup is important. Someone who has a difficult time moving on is not suffering from some type of moral failure—rather, they may simply lack the same capacity that others have to move on to a new relationship.” Here’s what else you need to know about the science behind breakups.


Blame it on nature. Guys are practically programmed to dump you if you cheat on them, as the Saint Louis University study discovered. “Sexual infidelity posses a direct threat to the genetic fitness of a male,” says Boutwell. “In other words, it means he may end up raising a child who is not his own. This would mean that his own genes are not passed along.”


Unlike guys, we don’t have a doubt when it comes to knowing our kids are biologically ours. “However, a father present may have been critical to the safety and prosperity of the mother and her child,” says Boutwell. “Should a male become unwilling—because he fell in love with someone else, potentially—to provide for his offspring, it may be best for the female to move on to someone else.” But this doesn’t mean that women are okay with cheating; it’s just that for them, physical infidelity can be less damaging than the emotional variety since that could lead him leaving his family for another woman.


There really is a reason jerks are single. “A partner who is unpredictable, cruel, and violent toward a partner and their children is unlikely to represent a safe bet in terms of reproducing and raising children to adulthood,” says Boutwell. Evolutionary scholars have proven that people who are chronically violent are less likely to have kids because they can't find sexual partners as easily. But you probably didn’t need science to tell you that...


J.Lo sings otherwise, but love does cost a thing. Fighting about financials is the top predictor of divorce, according to a study published in Family Relations journal, beating out spats about sex, in-laws, and kids. And this holds true regardless of debt, income, or net worth. Arguments about money were also typically longer and more intense than other sorts of fights. The study authors believe this could be because financial brawls could reflect on deeper issues in the relationship and people tend to have strong beliefs about the purpose of money.


Thinking about a recent split all the time might seem like a bad idea, but it can actually help speed up emotional recovery. A new study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science found that those who ruminated over their ex ended up having a stronger sense of themselves as a single person.


You aren’t going to “like” this: Excessive Facebook use can seriously damage your relationship. It’s been linked to emotional and physical cheating, breakup, and divorce, according to a study published in the journalCyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. And the same goes for Twitter, as discovered by research from the University of Missouri-Columbia. The research didn't examine why social media might be linked to these bad relationship outcomes, but experts speculate that it might be because Facebook and Twitter make it easier for people to cheat and get in touch with old flames.


Ever feel like you can’t get enough of your guy? Research has proven that falling in love has something in common with a drug habit—it’s hard to break. “The regions of the brain which are implicated in feelings of love and attraction are also implicated in addiction to various illegal drugs,” says Boutwell. “This is perhaps not surprising, though, given the strong addictive feelings we feel toward someone when we fall in love with them—or when we’re broken up with and still care for our former partner.” So next time you’re having a hard time getting over a split, give yourself a break—quitting is never easy!

7 Healthy Habits All Truly Fit Practice

© Provided by The Active Times You’ve heard that being fit is all about 'the lifestyle,' and not the quick fix, so today I’d like to give you a glimpse into the habits that fit people follow on a regular basis.
These seven habits are held by people who are successfully fit. In other words, the people who have learned to maintain their fitness and good health for the long run.
1. They See Each Day with Perspective
Fail to meet your fitness goals today? Move on. Tomorrow is another day to make smarter decisions. When you wake up, rededicate yourself to your fitness goals without beating yourself about whatever mistakes you made in the past. After all, you can’t change what you did yesterday. All you can control is right now, so get to it!
2. They Know Their Bodies
When you finish a workout, you should feel good. If you don’t, then something needs to change. Either your diet or routine is throwing you off. Fit people know how everything they do affects their body and they take steps to avoid the things that don’t allow them to feel and perform their best. Learn how your body responds and care for it accordingly.
3. They Find Ways Around the Reasons
If you’ve ever wondered why you can’t quite get fit, it may be your proclivity for caving to pressure. And that pressure may be self-induced. Fit people do not give into excuses for why they shouldn’t exercise. Quite the contrary — they are continually finding reasons why they should hit the gym and find pockets of time to do it, even if the trip to the gym is shorter than usual.
4. They Eat and Sleep Well
Study after study has shown the benefit of eating whole, unprocessed foods. It provides energy and strength, helps you feel full throughout the day, and makes your time in the gym as fruitful as possible. Getting good sleep is equally as important, as it keeps all your bodily systems in rhythm. Put these two fit activities together and you’re well on your way to optimal fitness.
5. They Track Progress
For some, keeping tabs on health progress is about as exciting as watching paint dry. Once you get into the routine, however, you will become a believer in the power of tracking your progress. Tracking serves to both reward and motivate you, as you see that the countless hours in the gym and smart food choices lead to a healthier weight and greater strength — aka, better overall fitness and health.
6. They Think During Exercise
It can be easy to mindlessly run on a treadmill at the gym if you’re not careful. Just remember that fit people don’t usually do this. They’re very intentional about everything they do at the gym. This means if you want to be fit, you should put some brainpower into what you include in your workout and how you perform each repetition. This allows you to get maximum benefit from your gym time and reduces the risk of injury.
7. They Lean on a Trainer
The final thing fit people do is rely on someone with lots of know-how in the realm of fitness. This is why my clients have such a high success rate in achieving their goals — because I make sure that they stick with it! I have a sincere interest in their overall health and well-being and know how to help them reach goals that can seem so far away when you’re trying to achieve them on your own.

Find Out 6 Things Your Height Says About Your Health

Small comfort for all the short and tall women out there: There isn't a perfect height for your health. Turns out, extra inches lower your risk of some common health problems, but increase the odds of others. Sigh. Here's the long and short of it:
When Short Is Sweet
1) You're not as cancer-prone.
"Melanoma, thyroid, kidney, breast, colon, and rectum cancers, in particular, are strongly associated with height," says Geoffrey Kabat, PhD, senior epidemiologist at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. Over a series of three studies, he found that women who are 5'10" are about 30 to 40% more likely to develop these types of cancer than women who are 5'2".
"Taller women tend to have larger organs and more cells, so the chance of developing mutations that lead to cancer is greater," explains Kabut. "It's also possible that the hormones and growth factors that influence height also affect cancer risk."
2) Your chance of blood clots dwindles.
If you're 5'2" or under and your weight is normal or close to it, you're three times less likely to get a blood clot. According to a study from the University of Tromso in Norway, blood must be pumped a longer distance in taller women, which may lead to reduced flow and the increased risk for a stroke-causing clot. While you can't change your height, dropping a few pounds will help: Tall women without a weight problem had no increased risk of clots.
3) You might still be going strong at 90.
One of the genes linked to longevity is also responsible for short stature, according to research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. The scientists found that a gene mutation impedes insulin-like growth factor from doing its job also seems to extend lifespan.
When Tall Is Tops
4) Your heart is safer.
Women who are 5'8" are 28% less likely to develop heart disease than those who are 5'3", according to a recent British study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. In fact, for every two-and-a-half inches taller you are than someone else of the same gender, the researchers found that your risk of heart disease diminishes by about 14%. "While being tall doesn't give you a free pass to smoke and eat junk food, it offers some protection," says Daniel Munoz, MD, an instructor of medicine in the division of cardiology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville. What gives? The genes associated with being short also increase the risk of high LDL cholesterol levels.
5) Your mind will stay strong. 
A women who is 5'7" is about 50% less likely to die from dementia than one who is 5'1", according to preliminary research from the University of Edinburgh's College of Medicine. Scientists believe the factors that contribute to smaller stature—childhood illnesses, stress, and poor nutrition—are at the root of the increased risk rather than genetics.
6) Pregnancy and childbirth won't be as tough.
Moms-to-be who are 5'6" are 18 to 59% less likely to develop gestational diabetes than those who are 5'2", according to a study at the City University of New York that looked at more than 220,000 pregnancies. Researchers aren't sure why, but they speculate that the genes related to height have an effect on glucose tolerance. More good news for average size or tall women with a bump: a study from Thailand found being 5'1" or taller reduces your risk for a C-section.